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How to Contest a Will

September 10, 2012 in News

Provided by Elderlawanswers:

You had a loving relationship with your mother and she always said she would leave everything to you and your siblings, but after she died, you discover she had recently written a new will, leaving everything to her housekeeper. Is there anything you can do? If you believe a loved one’s will is not valid, you may be able to contest it.

The Other Senior Health Care Program: Romney/Ryan’s Vision for Medicaid

August 31, 2012 in News

Last Updated: 8/24/2012 4:08:57 PM by ElderLawAnswers

How Republican Mitt Romney’s vice presidential pick would change Medicare has been getting a lot of attention, but Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) proposed cuts to the Medicaid program, which Mr. Romney has embraced in concept, are bigger and arguably more drastic.Although most Medicaid recipients are poor children and their families, the program also covers the cost of nursing home and other long-term care for more than 4.4 million Americans, most of them elderly.

How Would Paul Ryan Change Medicare?

August 24, 2012 in News

Provided by Elderlawanswers. Last Updated: 8/17/2012 2:41:12 PM

Last year, we reported that House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) proposed a budget that would radically reshape Medicare and shift more costs to seniors and the disabled. At the time, we noted that “the plan may well become the Republican Party’s de facto platform in 2012.” Little did anyone know that the plan’s architect would become Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s choice as his running mate, putting the Ryan plan for Medicare center-stage less than three months before the election.

44 Questions to Ask a Nursing Home

August 20, 2012 in News

October 12th, 2011 by Ken Coughlin

Choosing a nursing home for a family member can be one of the most difficult decisions anyone ever has to make. The fact that the family member needs to move to a nursing home means that he or she is in a vulnerable state and will be dependent on the care provided in the facility. Following are 44 questions (we counted them so you don’t have to!) that should help a family choose the best facility in an unfortunate situation:

Romney Wants to Raise Age of Medicare Eligibility. Good Idea?

August 9, 2012 in News
Posted on ElderLawAnswers by Ken Coughlin. Go to full article

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has announced his support for raising the age of Medicare eligibility from 65 to 67. However, research suggests that such a move would increase out-of-pocket costs for younger seniors and raise health care costs overall. Making baby boomers wait two more years before they’re covered by the highly popular Medicare program would indeed save the federal government $5.7 billion in 2014, according to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation. But at the same time, Kaiser says the change would mean that 65- and 66-year-olds, their employers, other Medicare enrollees, and states would have to cough up an extra $11.4 billion.

Avoid Disagreements Between Your Power of Attorney Holder and Health Care Proxy

August 7, 2012 in News

Important information everyone should know about Advance Directives! Provided  by Elderlawanswers. A durable power of attorney and a health care proxy are two very important estate planning documents. Both allow other people to make decisions for you in the event you are incapacitated. Because the individuals chosen will have to coordinate your care, it is important to pick two people who will get along. A power of attorney allows a person you appoint — your agent or “attorney-in-fact” — to act in your place for financial purposes when and if you ever become incapacitated.

Best Buddies Casino Night

August 6, 2012 in News

Have you ever wanted to try your chance at blackjack, roulette or craps, but didn’t want to lose your hard earned money? Now’s your chance to gamble for a great cause at the Best Buddies Casino Night on Saturday, November 17th at The Mezz. Tickets are now available over the phone at 407-898-0787 x 107, online purchase option coming soon! Individual tickets are $100 or $175 for a pair. Ticket prices include drinks, parking, first round of gambling chips, passed hors d’oeuvres and much more. All proceeds benefit students and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the Central Florida community.

Redo Your Estate Plan Before You Remarry

August 3, 2012 in News

Read this article on the importance of updating your estate planning documents before you remarry. Article provided by ElderLawAnswers.

If you are getting remarried, you obviously want to celebrate, but it is also important to focus on less exciting matters like redoing your estate plan. You may have created an estate plan during your first marriage, but this time it will probably be more complicated–especially if you have children from your first marriage or more assets.

Medicaid & VA Benefits to Help Pay for Long Term Care Seminar

July 31, 2012 in News

Come out to the Marks Street Senior Center on August 30th at 6:00 pm to hear Heather C. Kirson, Esq. and Patti Fuller, Esq., B.C.S. speak on topics such as Medicaid Planning, VA benefits and Estate Planning. If you or someone you know is having to face the issue of how to pay for long-term care, this could be the perfect opportunity to learn how you can get help to pay for it! This is a free event and is open to the public. Please call (407) 422-3017 for more information.

Medicaid & VA Benefits to Help Pay for Long Term Care Seminar

July 31, 2012 in News

Come out to the Winter Park Community Center on August 9th at 4:00 pm to hear Heather C. Kirson, Esq. and Patti Fuller, Esq., B.C.S. speak on topics such as Medicaid Planning, VA benefits and Estate Planning. If you or someone you know is having to face the issue of how to pay for long-term care, this could be the perfect opportunity to learn how you can get help to pay for it! This is a free event and is open to the public. Please call (407) 422-3017 for more information.


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