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Introducing ELC Pets!

January 2, 2023 in News
Here at The Elder Law Center of Kirson & Fuller, we love our pets! Take a moment to meet some of our friendly, furry extended family members.
Say Hello to Yancey Kitty!

Yancey Kitty is a beloved member of paralegal, Debbie Camarda’s family.

Yancey was discovered stuck beneath rocks in a hole under Yancey Bridge in Marianna, Florida, just as Debbie was about to embark on a river camp trip. Debbie pieced together a make-shift leash with a carabiner and rope and onto the canoe, Yancy went for 2 days and 2 nights of canoeing and camping. She rode in a canoe and slept in a tent with Molly the Schnoodle. She was estimated to be maybe 5 weeks old, and she finished a 30-mile canoeing trip. She made her way to her new home where she shares her humans with two other dogs (a ball-obsessed Rat Terrier and a sweet Corgi mix). She likes to watch the Birder King bird channel on YouTube, tear apart anything that resembles paper and is not afraid to jump in the shower!


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